Sunday, August 30, 2009

Manymoon Project Management Software

Manymoon is free project management software that incorporates Google Apps. The free membership entitles the user to unlimited tasks, unlimited projects, unlimited users, Google Apps integration and document uploads. Storage space is limited to 5MB; however they offer two different upgrades for small monthly fees. The easy to use web interface allows users to create projects, assign tasks and track progress. Commands and tools are housed in submenus and tabs to keep visual clutter on any given page to a minimum. Your home screen looks more like a Facebook newsfeed than the dashboard interface you might be used to from other management software. You receive updates here based on the recent activities of members on your project team. Things like the creation or completion of a task or a project, what any member is currently working on, and additions to the project team will all show up here as they occur. Manymoon has links to Twitter and Facebook along with their own pages so you can receive software upgrades. Manymoon’s tight integration with Google Docs makes adding documents to a task or project a snap. It retrieves a list of your documents and you just pick which one you want.


  1. I just discovered Manymoon last week. It's absolutely godsend. I and a business partner are in the startup phase, and keeping things organized was getting tricky. gGroups and sites meant inventing the wheel. MM nailed that void.

    This and TimeBridge are two best kept secrets to building a buisness with gApps. Use the two and you've got yourself a totally scalable backend for super cheap.

    I found them both at the Google Solutions Marketplace, which is found in a vaccuum and I never knew existed until 5 days ago.

  2. This is a great way to keep projects in order.

  3. Great for the finance department I work in to keep track of all of our capital projects!

  4. Good information contained in you comments, Thanks.

  5. This may be something that my department can look at using. We currently use spreadsheet with Microsoft Office that is on a shared hard drive.
